Uluslararası Bildiriler

  1. Yalnız E, Gürbüz 11, Dökmcci G, Bilgi S. Multifocal tuberculosis of the spine. 4- International Concress of the Spine Surgery. lzmir-Turkcy, May 26-30, 1996
  2. Yalnız E, Pekindil G. Atypical tuberculosis of the spine. 8. Annual Meeting of the European Spine Society. Kos-Grcece, September 10-13, 1997
  3. Alagöl A, Evis M, Yalnız E, Pamukçu Z. Comparison of epidural bupivacain+morphin and bupivacaimclonidine for postoperative analgesia in vertebral surgery. 17th Annual ESRA Congress. Geneva, 1998
  4. Yalnız E. 1 lydatid cyst infection of the spine. 5th International Congress on Spine Surgery. İstanbul-Turkey, June 22-24, 1999
  5. Yalnız E, Tan L. Complication of transpedicular screw fixation in degenerative spondylolisthesis. 5th International Congress on Spine Surgery. İstanbul-Turkey, June 22-24, 1999
  6. Yalnız E, Ercan S, Durkaya M. Tubcrculosus of lumbosacral region. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Spine Society of Europe. Gothcnburg-Swecdcn, September 2-8, 2001
  7. Yalnız E, Ercan S, Kokino M. The effects of haemostatic agents on graft donor site. 6th International Congress on Spinal Surgery. Ankara-Turkey, September 4-7 2002
  8. Yazar T, Başarır K, Yalnız E. Kyphoplasty-Vertebroplasty in Spinal Lesions of Myeloma. Asia Pasific Musculo Skeletal Tumor Society 5th Meeting, lzmir-Turkcy, April 23-25, 2004
  9. Yalniz E, Balik S, Ciftdemir M. Modular prosthctic replacement ib bone tumors of lower limbs. The Congress of BOTA. October 14-17, 2004, Plovdiv/Bulgaria
  10. Yalniz E, Ciftdemir M, Balik S. Cervical facet dislocation: MR1 documentation of coexistent disc hemiation.Thc Congress of BOTA. Plovdiv-Bulgary, October 14-17, 2004
  11. Yalniz E, Alagol A, Mcmis Ü, Ciftdemir M. Traumatic Vertical Atlantoaxial Dislocation. Case Report. 7- International Congress on Spine. Antalya-Turkcy, April 14-17, 2005
  12. Yalniz E, Ciftdemir M, Balik S. 1 laemangioma of Ll Vertebral Body. Treatment with Pcrcutancus Polymethylmcthacrylatc Vertcbroplasty. 7- International Congress on Spine., Antalya-Turkcy, April 14-17, 2005
  13. Ciftdemir M, Yalniz E, Coşkun O, Eskin D. Percutaneous vertcbroplasty: Experience with extrapedicular route. 8 th Annual Meeting of the Spine Society of Europe. lstanbul-Turkey, October 25-28, 2006
  14. Yalniz E, Ciftdemir M, Karasahin AR, Yilmaz B. A rcvicv of 33 surgically managed patients with mctastatic tumors of the spine. World Spine IV Interdisciplinary Congress on Spine Care. İstanbul-Turkey, July 30, 2007
  15. Yalnız E, Çiftdcmir M, Karasahin AR, Yilmaz B. Multilevel Bilateral Pcdicle Fractures Of The Cervical Spine Without Neurological Compromise After A Motorcycle Crash: A Case Report. World Spine IV Interdisciplinary Congress on Spine Care. Istanbul-Turkey, July 30, 2007
  16. Yalniz E, Alicioglu B, Bcnlier E. Gorham-Stout Disease. European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology. 14 th Annual Meeting. lzmir-Turkey, June 1-2, 2007
  17. Yalniz E, Çiftdemir M, Çopuroğlu, Karaşahin A. Cervical spine injuries; ten years experience. 10 th Jubilee National congress of the Bulgarian Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Association. Borovcts-Bulgaria, October 17-21, 2007
  18. Yalniz E, Çiftdemir M, Çopuroğlu, Yılmaz B. Quantitative measurement of pain relief in percutaneous vcrtebroplasty. 10 th Jubilee National congress of the Bulgarian Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Association. Oct 17-21, 2007, Borovets, Bulgaria
  19. Yalniz E, Çiftdemir M, Çopuroğlu, Eskin D. Reliability of pcdicle screws in thoracic vertebrae. 10 th Jubilee National congress of the Bulgarian Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Association. Borovcts-Bulgaria, October 17-21, 2007
  20. Yalniz E. Infection incidence of bilateral operated knee patients with single anestesia. 10 th Jubilee National congress of the Bulgarian Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Association. Borovcts-Bulgaria, October 17-21, 2007
  21. Çiftdemir M, Yalniz E, Çopuroğlu C, Memişoğlu S. Functional outcomes of patients with bone tumors of extremities treated with modular prosthetic replacement. . 10 th Jubilee National congrcss of the Bulgarian Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Association. Borovcts-Bulgaria, October 17-21, 2007
  22. Yalniz E, Ozean M, Alicioglu B, Memisoglu S, Çopuroğlu C, Aykac B. Adult soft tissue sarcoma. Conference proceedings from 7 th Asia Pasific musculoskcletal tumor society meeting. Beijing-China, September 26-28, 2008
  23. Yalniz E, Ozean M, Memisoglu S, Saridogan K, Yalcin O. Osteosarcoma of the Lumbar Vertebra- Case Report. Rare localization with Long Survey. Conference proceedings from 7 th Asia Pasific musculoskcletal tumor society meeting. Bcijing-China, September 26-28, 2008
  24. Yalniz E, Ozcan M, Çiftdcmir M, Memisoglu S, Saridogan K, Functional outcomes after modular cemcntcd endoprosthesis replacement in patients with bone tumors of the limbs. Conference proceedings from 7 th Asia Pasific musculoskcletal tumor society meeting. Bcijing-China, September 26-28, 2008
  25. Yalniz E, Ozcan M, Alicioglu B, Eskin D, 1 leybeli N. Prepatellar fibrosarcoma. A case report. Conference proceedings from 7 th Asia Pasific musculoskcletal tumor society meeting. Bcijing-China, September 26-28, 2008
  26. Heybeli N, Lista LI, Yalniz E. Not all lateral pain after calcaneal malunion needs bony procedures: ease report. 7- International congress of the European foot and ankle society. Vilamura-Portugal, Octobcr I6-I8, 2008
  27. Alicioglu B, Yalniz E, Eşkin D, Yılmaz B. Imaging spectrum of injuries associated with motorcycle accidcnts. 6 th Balkan Congress of Radiology. Vmjacka Spa-Serbia, November 18-20, 2008
  28. Cem Copuroglu, Mert Ozcan, Barış Yılmaz, F. Sonnur Yılmaz, Ercan Abay, Erol Yalnız. Acute and post-traumatic stress disorder in tarumatic amputated patients. IOth European Congress of Trauma and Emergeny Surgery, Antalya, Turkey, 13-17 April 2009, oral presentation
  29. Mert Ozcan, Beyti Tuncer, Cem Copuroglu, Serdar Memişoğlu, Erol Yalnız. Percutaneous pedicular screw fixation technique in the treatment of AO type A fracturcs of the vertebra. 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergeny Surgery, Antalya, Turkey, 13-17 April 2009-Poster presentation
  30. Cem Copuroglu, Mert Ozcan, Bilal Aykaç, Beyti Tuncer, Erol Yalnız. Do scaphoid fractures affect outcome of perilunate dislocations. 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergeny Surgery, Antalya, Turkey, 13-17 April 2009- Poster presentation
  31. Cem Copuroglu, Bilal Aykaç, Beyti Tuncer, Mert Ozcan, Erol Yalnız. Simultaneously acute posterior dislocation and posterior fracture dislocation of the shoulders after epileptic seizure. A case report. EFOKT 10th Congress, Vienna, Austria, 3-6 junc 2009 poster presentation
  32. Cem Çopuroğlu, Mert Ozcan, Bilal Aykaç, Barış Yılmaz, Yasemin Görgülü, Erol Yalnız. Quality of life of the surgically treated degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis patints. 65th Annual Congress of the 1 lellenic Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Thessalonoiki, Greece, 7-10 October 2009 oral presentation
  33. Mert Ozcan, Cem Çopuroğlu, Nurettin Heybeli, Erol Yalnız. Infection incidence in bilaterally operated total knee arthroplasty patients with single anesthesia. 65th Annual Congress of the Hellenic Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Thessalonoiki, Greece, 7-10 October 2009 oral presentation
  34. Mert Ozcan, Cem Çopuroğlu, Mert Çiftdcmir, Erol Yalnız. Three cases of femoral head fracturc in a single car accident. 65th Annual Congress of the Hellenic Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Thessalonoiki, Greece, 7-10 October 2009 poster presentation


Prof. Dr. Erol YALNIZ
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı

Çalışma Saatleri

Pzt - Cuma 8.30 am - 06.00 pmCmts: 08.30 am - 1.00 pmPazar: Kapalı


Tel: 90 (284) 236 10 10Özel Ekol Hastanesi, Edirne,,TRYön Tarifi